Teen Theory

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Welcome, to the perilous and sometimes tragic tale of what I call my life...read on if you dare...


Long time no Type

Well its been a while, and I havent written in...hmm ages! Heres a short, very abridged, update on the life in general.

New friends...some seniors and juniors and some people who don't go to my school.

Mike...gorgeous, sweet, playful, older, smart, funny, GREAT kisser, what more can I say? Oh, and he actually likes me. This could turn out well.

Winter...Blah. Walking home in the cold. Sickness, grossness.

Concerts...Music! I've opened my own eyes to many more types of musics and bands. All thanks to some very interesting music sites. Check them out on the links page.

Life in general is good, I dropped all the friends that were causing major drama, and I'm pretty happy. I've got good friends, good family, and hopefully everything will stay good. I've been taking the good with the bad and thats all you can do.

I'm outtie. More later.

Teen Theory: What am I about?
Journal entries, short stories, comments from guests, and much more all posted on this site! BUT MAKE SURE YOU VISIT THE OTHER PAGES LIKE THE ARCHIVES PAGE BCUZ THAT HAS ALL THE PREVIOUS ARTICLES!!!!

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Where are
you from:

If you have any ideas, stories, or comments for my site, please feel free to contact me!

My license...one day...hopefully.

Contact Me!