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Article 21: September 23, 2004.  School has begun...Ive already fallen into my usual routine of getting little sleep, waiting til the last moment to do homework, and praying for the weekends. But this year is a little different...

This year, several things have changed:

1) I have more things do do after school. Last year, it was a big deal to have major plans after school. This year, i usually have something to do, someone to see, or places to go everyday. I think it helps if I keep busy, that way I can't get too worked up over one single thing, and I like to have things to do. I don't  like being bored, and I love what I can do. I have dance, tanning, fittings, doctors appointment, concerts, dances, and all that fun stuff. I suppose if I over work myself I'll end up driving my self to stress induced comatose tendencies, which started to happen last week, but I try to keep my own pace and stay on top of things.

2) I'm more comfortable...I know who I am, who my friends are, and where I'm going and who I want to be. If someone doesnt like me, thats fine. I dont stress as much as I used to, trying to fit into the typical teenager mode filled with cheerleader dreams and high school politics. Im so much better off with the hodge-podge of friends that I have now then what was part of yesteryear, in trying to find that one group where I belong. It's like trying to find that perfect shade of lipstick, it would never happen. To presume that you can get all or your needs fullfilled through one shade of lipcolor, or in my case one group of friends, in proposterous. The realization that I dont need to be popular to be happy, or be liked my everyone, was the most important realization I think I've had so far. Of course it bothers me when someone doesn't like me, or when something happens with one of the gorilla brained imbesols of my school, but at the end of the day, theres always someone there that can help me through it and make me realize that I am better than them, and one day when I'm rich and can only hope...they're be asking me what I want on my burger...because believe it or not, everything always works out for the better.

3) My final and most important change...I know how to have fun. No longer am I trying to be someone I'm not, in so doing ruining my reputation and the trust between me and my mother, or getting into trouble, or doing things that I usually wouldnt do. I've found ways to have loads 'o fuckin fun, and I've learned how to do it my way. Which overall it better for every one.

well folks, there it is. It may not be as articulate or well thought out as some of my other entries, but its straight from the heart and its the truth. So let me kno what you me or send me a message....

until next time friends... 

Article 20: YEeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhAaaaaaaaaaawwww! summer is here and the time is ripe...omg I am so exctatic that its summer, and I've been having the time of my life. all of my fear and doubts as to whether or not it was going ot live up to the summers of the past have gone right out the window. I've met new people, gone to awesome concerts, won a pageant, gotten a tan, and overall just been having a blast. i've been keeping busy, and slowly accomplishing all the things I've wanted to do. I've redone my room, hung out with all of my friends, etc.I'm so infatuated with those golden sunsets and crisp nights, and even though I havent been camping, its ok, because I'll get over it, and do other things. I'm going to six flags soon, and I've never been before, so it should be fun. Almost all of my friends n i have been staying on good terms, except for the occasional bitch and whatnot. but other than that this summers been awesome.

Usually at this point in time I'm looking forward to going back to school, but im not. for some reason it seems likes schools catching up to me and i havent had enough time, and its gone by too fast. I kno i still have about half the summer left, but I never want it to end. I mean, this year I really dont have much to look forward to. I mean, I know evry1 already, including the incoming freshmens, the teachers are mean, the work is hard, and getting up in the morning is a bitch. so what should I look forward to. the only thing good about this coming september is the fact that dance will start up again, and im sooo looking forward to dance twice a week. its gonna be great....cuz hip hop and jazz are so fun too take. well, its about 1:33 in the am right now, so i think im gonna sign off, climb into bed, and call sum1 special. :0! lol goodbye my faithful viewers.

Article 19: May 6th, 2004

It's Spring! ...and I can feel the summer attitude approaching. I hate school, theres half a quarter left, and all I can hope for is summer, filled with long days, warm nights, fun in the sun, and maybe a summer romance. Summer brings out the best in me, and brings back some of my fondest memories. I can remember running around barefoot in the grass, dreading the end of the day...looking forward to cookouts and fireworks, the thrill of meeting new people, squishing the sand between my toes. I trully believe that I am happiest in summer, and I go into a deep depression during the colder months. It brings almost a sad tear to my eye, for I know that these times, as fun as they are, last only a few precious months, and after that some of these memories are lost forever.  This year I hope for it to be as great as my last, and that will take some effort. Last year was so fun, I'm almost sad that it had to end. With camping, the beach, going on road trips, among other things, it was probably one of my favorite times in my life. Summer isnt just about the warmth and fun, but its represents a lot for me. My childhood, my friends, alive and not, and my freedom. Summer is who I am, and who I want to be. Nothing else makes me happier than my summer vacation, and nothing probably ever will.

Article 18:March 1, 2004. Well folks, its been a bumpy ride, and I haven't written in a while. A lot has changed in my life, and yet much has stayed the same. Since I don't have the time or motivation to write an epic about my life, I'll just write a little life lesson I've learned.

During the precious years that we spend in high school, much of it can be compared to the perioulous journey of the real world. There is backstabbing, triumphs and losses, tears and joy, but most of all life lessons that will carry on not only to your life, but all of the people around you.

Like most of my peers have learned, friendships are not easy. Not only does it include the combining of two very unlike lifeforms filled with separate opinions, lives, and most of all experiences, it also includes the imput of those that surround us. When you blend two lives, they are not suppose to match perfectly, but there are certain rules that we must follow to prevent hurt feelings and broken relationships.

1. People will be people. They are entitled to their opinions and viewpoints just like everyone else, and you don't even have to agree, but you must find a common ground so you may stand united, even if we are different.

2. Don't believe anyone. There is a very tricky line that likes to move around for this rule, but bear with me. In friendships and foeships alike, there will be times that people outside of the relationship will take a part in the way it is run. Situations will arise when you not only have to trust your friends, but you must trust those who are not. You must take into account personalities, even if you are unsure about yourself, and do what is in your heart. As said before, finding common ground is the key. You may not want to give in, and you don't have to, but everyone needs to see thigs from anothers perspective. Life isn't perfect. Reality isn't always whaqt you think it is. Everything is basically an illusion, and the people, places and things that fill it are drastically skewed from person to person. In one light you may think one thing, and you may believe it to be true, but sometimes you will find that things aren't always what they seem, and they can't be taken for granted.

3. My last and final rule. Don't worry. Despite what you might think, not everything is the end of the world. Petty fights and misunderstanding might hurt and they might change your life, but everything will work out. Even in my darkest hours I always try to picture my life 10 years from now, and I realize that most of this won't matter. I won't look back and be proud that I made someone else's life miserable, but I will be proud that I made friends and kept them by being mature and following my heart. And that is all that truly matters. When we leave this earth, no one knows what happens. For all we know, we may only get one chance. So take a step back, stand by your guts, but also take time to smell  the roses. Everything may not be perfect, but things will work out.

Thank you for taking the time to read my long and philisophical theory, and welcome to my world.

Article 17: Wedsday November 5; Wow, this has been a week to remember. Maybe I should start from the beginning.

Friday: Walked to Jess's house after school with jess, heather, danny, and josh. then we walked to oakland beach, josh went to the club. Kept walking down oakland beach ave, until i got to the skate park. I was looking for jason, wen i saw him. I was still on the other side of the street. He came to the curb, and I asked him if he saw my brother, and he said no, and im like ok well your coming wit us...I kept walking, after just seeing him start to cross. A few seconds later i heard squeeling tires and brakes, and i spun around just in time to see jason get hit by a car, and go flying. He spun twice in the air, landed, skip, and rolled over. I dropped all of my stuff, and started screaming and running.When I got to him, he was shaking uncontrolably, like he was having a seizure, and blood was gushing out of his head. I was panicking, but after a few seconds i called 911 from my cell phone. I couldnt stop crying or shaking, even though two off-duty emt's and a school nurse were helping him. The ambulance came a few minutes later, and all the while i  couldnt stop crying. Jonie drove by, and stopped, and she was trying to calm me down, but it wasn't working. Dan was also trying to help, but again, i couldnt calm down. My mom happened to drive by, and i explained what happened. It's all kinda blury wen I look back, but I remember giving a witness report and walking home with jess, heather, danny, mike, and tyler. I had fought with danny, so part of the ride home was in silence. Oh yeah, I was riding my brothers bike because he was taking jasons back to his house.

All of friday night i was crying on and off. Wen I got back to my house, me n danny had a big blowout. I wont go into details, but I was afraid of him. Jess and heather left with theresa wen she n josh showed up, and they were gone an hour; they went to go get food. jess got back first, and theresa went to go drop off the car n her n heather were walking back. danny left a lil after they did, at 4:30. Eventually they all got back to my house, joe n kristen showed up,  and so did brian, john w, and the other john.we went trick-or-treating, but a lil after we began, jess said she had a headache n she went back to the house. for some reason heather and john wanted to go back, so they did. A lil while later we found out that john had started eating the pizza that kristen had bought for me and her, so i got mad and yelled at him over the phone. Come to find out, jess, heather, and john had left, and wen we got back, all the pizza was gone. Neways, we ordered a new one, and the night went on. I was crying speratically, and kristen n joe were there to help me. Neways.....the next day we all went to see jason in the hospital, and he was fine, so I felt a lot better.  well anyways, that was a long time ago, jasons better, and hes up to his old anticts, riding bikes with a cast on!!

So neways, I havent written in a while...I still havent told you about homecoming, philadalphia, or anything else! o jeese, this could take a while to will be posted when I'm done.

Article 16: Tuesday, October 28. It's been at least a few weeks since ive updated this thing, and so much has changed....I still like high school for the pure fact that theres so many kewl ppl, like JESS! n KRISTEN n evry1 else....

I'm running for class president, and i hope im going to win, theres so much I want to do with that school. If I do get elected, its going to be a lot of work to stay there becuz i dont know if I'll be able to keep my grades up....Mr.Areson is killing my class with all the hw hes giving us, and i kno im going to fail.If I fail one more class, then I get kicked off the cheerleading squad too. And I dont want that to happen bcuz im so happy with the way things are stunt group did a lib last night! I was so souped! O mom is going to go in to talk to him very soon...i hope she bitches him out!

I can't wait for this weekend, its going to be a lot of fun...its halloween baby! heres the schedule....

Friday: ppl r coming home wit me friday, ne1 is invited, then we'll all head over to Maria Fisher's party (invitation only). After that Kristen n ne1 else who wants to is sleeping over.

Saturday: Kristen n I will wake at w/e time we please, n then Joe is picking up some ppl n coming over, any1 is invited to come, no ones going to be home! Then I think I might be doin sunnit w/ some1, i dont know yet. I'll end up having sum1 sleep over or sleeping ovr sum1s house.

Sunday: who knows.

Article 15: September 10 OMG IM IN HIGH SCHOOL i never thought that this day would come. lol. It's so much bigger than i thought it was. I get madd hw every single night, and i have to walk home. I'm not one to complain, but i am now. then on top of it, sometimes i have to walk to cheerleading practice, which is soooo much fun. but im not complaining, i meet lotsa kewl ppl like my new friend alyssa(hi hun) and ppl like that.
this brings me to this weeks, or until i write a new one, topic. is high school really such a big step? I have been pondering this for quite some time now, and ive come to the conclusion that every1 seems to make it out to be a bigger deal than it is in reality. Unless im a total crackhead and i cant wake up and smell the coffee. write me and tell me what you think. until next time friends, im out.

Article 14: August 17...or sumthing. I've officially ruined my back. forever. It hurts so bad sometimes i can't move. for those of you who dont know what im talking about i have back problems and i hurt my back really make a long story short. well, not much has changed, except that I'm almost positive that troys about to go down the drain, and im in love with two different people, in two different ways. Is that even possible? I'll have to write more later because im running on 5 hourse here, from 6 something to 12 until later.

Article 13: July 19, summer vacation well my summer has been very productive so far! I'm the new Miss Rhode Island Junior Queen, thank you, thank you, and im going to see troy again wednsday! for those of you that dont know the whole story, and to make it a short one, I met my boyfriend Troy while camping at my campground, and he was with his friend josh who has a seasonal. to made a cool story weird, i just found out that troy's other friend has a beach house where my aunt has a beach house. lmao...what a small world. so neways im going to go see him from wed till sat. kewllll. which brings me to my next topic. Is it possible in the world or Carrie's from Sex and the City and prenotioned statuses the true love can exist? and even more to the point, can a 14 year old love? does the universe throw two people together and keep them that way(ei in the case of me n troy) or is it all a semi-comercial scheme to make a mess of the hearts of millions? take the following ideas into consideration.
a:two people meet, they fall in love, but circumstances beyond their control force them to break it off
b: two people meet, they fall in love, and time after time find themselves in an abundance of scarily coincidental situations, eventually growing old together
c: two people meet, fall in love, marry, but eventually divorce.

for the case of c, I'm not even taking into consideration the possible scenarios which could have broken the relationship. so here's the question. is fate and love evident in society today, or did it die with chivalry?

Article 12: I cant really update on my love life, because there is a bit of a conflict going on, and i dont want to hurt those involved. getting ready for the pageant is a big ordeal...seeing how i might be the only CANIDATE FROM RHODE ISLAND...I dont want to win that way...that sux.big time. but oh well, what am i going to do. i went to the mall and got shoes to match my dress tho. if ne1 wants to see it im me n ill send it to you. I'm out. ttyl

Article 11: Thursday, June 19. Wow. what a contradiction is comparison to the last article I wrote. My fling w/ Troy is over, but I can't stop thinking about him. My relationship w/ my parents is falling out, and I'm begining to think that the only people I can depend on are my friends, which is a scary thing. I need help right now, because I feel like I'm turning into a hopeless soul as described in my poems.

Article 10:!!!!!omfg I'm so glad that summer is here!!!My B-Day is on sunday and im so fucking souped!!!! plus add in that my auntie linda is making me a cake and shes an awesome baker!!! and the best part is im going camping and im going to see my baby boy Troy...if hes reading this...I LOVE YOU BABY!!!!neways, moving on....this summer is going to be awesome, and ill be sure to update this thing!!! buh byes

Article 9: June 13....last day of school! omg, I feel like I'm going to cry! I have so many memories at this school! I don't want to leave, but I'm eager to go to high school. I'm sure I will come by and visit, but it won't be the same. I'll miss the teachers, hanging out in the library, new and old, the last minute anouncements, the assemblies, and everything that the school has taught me. I will miss it all, and nothing can ever replace the times I had here. *sniffle*...but really, between confetti, student council, drama, chorus and chorale, and everything else I did, 7th and 8th grade were two of the best years of my life. buh bye for now!

Article 8: May 5, Thursday...I'm in computer lab! it seems like all I write about nowadays are my new infatuations. btw, fyi, theres a new one, troy, and hes perfect, and I met him camping. but anyways, I have to think of a subject to write about...bcuz right now im spacing....hum...well I'll have to get back to you on that. and hey to all of mah peeps checkin out the website from schol right now! omfg, im so sore from cheerleading last night! bbl to write more!!!

Article 7: May sunnit or its been a while since i wrote in this thing! Well im very pleased with myself for making Jv, yes yes thank you thank you. Neways, my new infatuation, i am convinced, is the closest to perfect as im gonna get. x-cept for the fact that he showed me of the ppl who are reading this know who i am talking about, and to the others just ask...oh yes we already made out...damn hes a good but, quote unquotte, he doesn't want a gf right now. lol....he just wants to play the field. oh well....doesn't mean i cant still i think i might call him. why is it that wen ppl like sum1, its impossible to get mad at them, if you like them that much? its all so cunfuzzeling....good thing real life isn't like all those sappy love stories on tv where sum night n shining armor breaks up a peroius love match inthe nick of can only wish....i got to go do hw...leave a message. buh byes.

Article 6; March 26, Thursday. I am still on the perilous journey to everlasting love human words I still can't go out w/ the guy that I like....and around we go. Neways, the social is coming up, and I have a dress and shoes picked out, but on one to go with...I have an odd feeling that I will end up going w/ my friends and having an "okay" time, the only way I could have a "good" time was if I were asked by someone...and that some one must now be a loser or a geek...that wipes out about half the school. But moving on.
Some ppl tell me that I should be a stand up comedian, but I wouldn't be able to because I use too big of words somtimes, that might cause a contradiction....if you're still with me here. Email me and tell me what you think...dying to get other ppls opinions. Have fun, tootles!

and to any adults that happen to be reading this....excuse mah french "tis tre chic, no?"

Article 5; Some time over Spring Vacation
I now am positive I am living in some alternate dimension similar to the old and unpopular TV show The Twilight Zone. Over the past few days of Sping Break....I have heard or more ppl going to the dentist or orthodontist that ever before in my life. Is it a government conspiracy? Do the want all of us living in pain at the same time? Or do they want quite...hence our all being in pain so that we cannot talk? It is all behond me. But I digress. love life is again in mortal peril. After a most nasty break up with the puerto rican dilenquit, I realize that I m in love with sum1 that i just cannot have. Oh....the irony.....I fear that I may never find true happyness in love. In other words...guys if ur reading this...I wanna be fucked!!!! Call me!

article 4; 1/13/03 OK. It's the new year and one of my resolutions is to update this more! lol. Neways, a lil update on my life would be wrong not to give. OK. Now I like two ppl, but on of them is different. I still like the one from another state...but i now like sum1 in my calss. No no no its not the old guy, its sum1 new. And as before you have to email me if you want to know who it is. Yes Yes, I know you have it but, like i give a fuck. LOL jp.But anyways, this new guy is really flirty, and I'm not the only one who thinks so. (hint hint Ryan)lol. Oh and by the way...articles that are over a couple weeks old will now be moved to another page...find it! Just giving you notice in case you'd go crazy trying to look for an old article...not like you would.....But anyways I'm getting bored so have fun! Later.

article 3; 12/31/02 Well you will be happy to know that I no longer have an obsession with the said guy in the below, you know what I mean. But anyways. There are two ppl that i like now, one of them lives in Connecticut, and one can be an asshole. Oh the irony in this situation. LOL. Oh well. Moses didn't exactly didn't swim in a river of gold did he? Okay, bad example. Moving on, I've had a very hectic yet fun vacation. Although I can't say I'm looking forward to going back to the continuouis and grueling torture known as Jr. High, I am looking forward to a break from vegging. Wait, rewind, earase, play. I'm looking forward to getting away from my house. And the sooner i get back to school, the sooner I get it over with, and the soon April 15 comes. Why you ask? Well, April 15 is the first day that we can pull our camper to the camp ground. And I love camping. Let me stress LOOOOVe! No ringing phones(with the exception of the celly), no annoying traffic jams, no bickering friends at school, and hot guys as far as the eye can see. Well, almost. Swimming in the lake, bike riding, animals, and whoever I want to bring. Fun fun fun. lol. OMFG I can't wait! school's torture, and I need a break already! And I haven't even gone gone back yet.
Well in other news, on Friday, I'm getting out of school early to go to an orthodontist appointment. I'm getting a lil retainer on the back of my two front teeth, and then I'm getting my braces off! Yay for me! I'm betting you probably don't care, but I feel like announcing it. Good for me.

article 2;12/10/02 This week topic is why people insist on flirting, but they can't back up the behaviour. They get the other person so excited, thinking that they might have a chance, but they say "oh, I don't like you like that. But we can still be tight." Like this kid in my class who I like(who shall remain nameless unless you email me), he always asks me for help, makes me drag around his sweatshirt, and constantly is interested in my graffiti(and I his). Now he flirts sometimes, and he HAS a gf! Now personally, I think if someone likes another person enough(like me), then the feeling must be mutual. Why can't thy give out the signal, I'm not interested, so the rest of the world doesn't look like a fool when they ask them out and the other person says no. I suppose, its only human behavior to flirt and fool around, and I guess I'm just bitter because I'm practically in love with this guys. What should I do? Maybe I should tell him straight out, or wait awhile. What do you think? Email me at the address on "Contact Page".

article 1;11/22/02: This weeks main article is about the odd style of the adolesence species. Why, do you think, it is neccissary to have guys pants drag 5 inches past their heels, and almost down to their knees? I mean coming from experience, long pants don't help everyday life! I remember one time I was walking down the hall in school, and my bell-bottoms were so long that I tripped and my books went flyin. ZOOMMP! All over the hall. Can we say, "hahahah lol funny?" So now I remember to fold up the bottoms of my pants! Anyways, in school I constantly see guys having to pull up their pants, or trip on them. So why do we bother? why can't we just get pants that fit. It is all behond me.

Adopt your own useless blob!
  My Schedule

im a busy gal, thats all u need to kno lol

My Favorite...

Movie: love tons of movies!!!

Music: almost everything
Color: silver
Car: Porche 911 convertible
CD: can't decide.
Sign: i'm actually a cancer/gemini

Names for Girl: Summer Rose, or Meredith, or Hera, or Aimee
Names for Boys: Romeo Star, or Jordan, orBryan
Food: pasta, ice cream, General's Chicken
Sports: Dance!!!!BASKETBALL!!!baseball evrything else

Favorite Products

STORES: Bath and Body works, The Museum Company, and The Silver Dragon, FYE, the mall in general
Shoes: Tomahawks, iversons, airforce 1s....u know how it is                                  

Shirts: Q&A                                                               

Pants: BubbleGum, guess, anything lowrise
All-Around Brand: Tommy Hilfiger
Resuraunt: Nordic Lodge, Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, Friendlys, Bickfords

Don't click here

Love-interests may last a long time, but friendship last forever.

Boring Sunset
Don't mind this picture. It came with the site.