Shout Outs!

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Got to say hi to...

Hillary, I know we havent hung out that much, buit wenever we do we have a wicked awesome time, ur lactating barbie, you belong in cinderella, and ur gonna hook up with screech lmmfao, thats ok, im big booty barbie. wow we've had some fun times. lylas

Ryan...u saved my life, i luv ya man....woo hoo music rocks...i kno we fight sumtimes, but we'll always be close n i never want to lose that. we have the best conversations, waddaya gonna do, ryan, waddaya gonna do, o wat ur gonna drown me, get awwwwaaay! lol luv ya man

Lenny...PUT UR GODDAMN SHIRT BACK ON! lol we had fun at the beach lol those waves are awesome!!!!u just cant win today lol.

Mike, omg im gonna slap you, and ive officially taken over your car, as soon as i learn to drive it. you better get me a job man, or ill have to yolk you up. lol lyl.....

Pete, ur a nut, and im stealing ur pugs! lol n ur friends are cool too. latr

Josh, sorry you couldnt meet me at the mall, and i couldnt go to ur game, but we can hang out sumtime after u get outta work soon! ly
Greg...wat am i going to do with you...yo biiiitch! lol luv ya
Brian...u are insane, its official...and a pyromaniac, u almost lit my ass on fire...dude u made a mini bonfire in the middle of my street...racheal...the flamingo! lol ur a cool kid lyl
Tyler...i could have never pictured you with these guys, wtf r u doing here...u need a lyl
Dave n Buchi...ya dont talk much, but ur both kewl cats catch ya later
Tom....I havent known u for that long, but I already think of you like a brother...i wouldnt have survived the concert(pulling me out, letting me go on ur shoulders), the car rides wouldlve been less funny(i wonder who counts all those lil tiles, its a picture you retard), and who else would have eaten all the food in my house(want more brownies?)?! lol. dad, im going to be in a car full of ppl, i dont think im gonna be getting some. lmao. i luv ya n im here wenevr u need me. twin...ur a nutcase...n ur moms a lylab
Jake, ur a nut, I love our lil convos in the wee hours of the morning, lmao a guy wants 3 things...he must be gay lol ly
Karl, I enjoyed playing hacky sac at the concert, even tho I hit it a grand total of about 3 times, oh well, i still had fun with u, and wats this about not leading me on? huh? lol ily babe
Jimmy, Chris, Kurt, Chris I, Dan W, Jason, Josh, Vic, John W, John Z, Mike F, Mike M, n ne1 else I missed let me know!

to the guys from This Blue Holiday, ur guys rock n the cd is awesome...keep in touch!
to all the other local bands, keep playing n u guys rock!

Amanda....its been great getting to know u...hanging out...concerts...walking back n forth from ur house to mine...
WE'RE NOT GROUPIES...MOSHINGS AWESOME....damn guys drivin down the road....HARK! omg call 911...the red car! heh?! wat i cant hear nething...the lead singers hot...nakid in the pool!lmao lylas 224're nuts.....johnny depp is just like tom! holy shit they're saying what we just said! lmao
Hilary...nononononononononononononnooooooo not againGET AWAY FROM THE MOSH PITS! lol we've had some fun times, ur a kool kat, ill see ya soon

chrissy, semi was fun,  Carissa, Jenna, Elisha, Jackie, Jessica, Alicia,  Amanda L, Amanda B,

Tricia, sorry bout wat happened, you need to lose him neways. do you deal with those nuts???

Miranda...too much to put in one shoutout, ur always there wen i need u...luv ya 4evr virgin lips

Javier....words couldnt begin to tell you how much you mean to me and how much i love you. youre always there for me, and wen we fight ur still a sweetheart and we get through it all. looking back on last year i cant believe we've come so far as friends. thanx so much for the advice, and you should kno that ur the only person who can put a smile on my face wen im down. i dont know what else to say but i love you and im always there for you, and i know u feel the same.  we're mad close n i dont ever want to lose that, ur my best bud n i can trust u wit nething.i love you like a bro 224

Jamie...ur so nice that it makes me no but really, ur one of the sweetest girls i kno n dont evr change! lylas

Hey Jade!!! omg i love you like you have no idea...we got close so quickly and I know we'll be friends forever and a n scott are cute together...dont let it get in the way of nething tho...we have no inside jokes yet!!!!unless you count my freakish dreams and the sleep talking...lmao luv ya lots hun lylas 224 and i want to shout out to jessie, jades sister!!! ur madd chyll, and dont worry about wat ppl say, you just come tell me and jade!!!

Jimmy...cant tell u how much i love always here wen u need advice or sum1 to listen...thanx for listening to me. luv ya babe.

Scott...its hard to believe we never used to get ur like my brother you n jade r so cute together. lylab...lata

Alyssa M...we have mad funnn! i eat mad...lmao....i dont kno wat to say...we talk all the time, your like a sister n i love you two two tell tom i said hi. lmao matter how much we fight and how much ppl talk shit, I love you so much and I'll always be there for you. dont let guys get under your skin and dont listen to wat ppl say. all you need are your friends, and Im one of them. alalalalla...i dont kno wat to say, we've got mad insiders but i cant think of any right now. wats there to say, we've had good times, n well have more to come love ya so much!

paul...ur a fucking we have fun in art, i hope you like ur earrings and ur tatoo...i still have to finish that fucker! lylab 224 lol

Joe, ur a cool kid...I'm a good driver! holy shit hes going on 17 ,wait 19, sodas here folks, NIGGERRRR, no burning out of my driveway nemore! and no climbing my fuckin trees! hey, ever have a jammed finger? lmao... what nice pictures! Thanx for being there for me...lylab favorites!!!! Thanx for being there for me....get the hell outta my tree! walking the streets at 11:30 at night....god what a friday night....lmao I love you!!!! no matter how much we fight im still always going to be there for you

Danny...danny danny danny...wat am i going to do with you? well if u need to talk, I'm here

Josh, i luv you like a brother....dont sit on nething wet!

John...babe you know i want mortal combat n tekken. lol good times...dont worry bout nething, ill take care of it. lyl

Brian, I love you! my lovable teddy bear!!!!!!! Im glad we're friends again...dont ever listen to ne1 else. ever. again. lol lylab

Jonie, the triscuts are in my room! regurgitated milk chunks! your LITTLE GREEN ALIEN IS PISSING ON MY SCREEN! OMG! That is NOT a nickelodeon movie!lol *Beep Boop* Hello Dad! It is now 3a.m. Do you know where I am? we can fight all we want, but we'll always be friends, we're just both going through a tough time right now...evrything will work out. lylas no matter what. glad im in ur profyle,  wat fun times we've had...let's ponder the workings of the universe! there a need for a belt when it holds no purpose, god i forgot all our lil insiders, but we both kno em, i ly kid

Jason u fucking crackhead, get off that damn bike!

to ne1 not listed, i got tired, and ill put u in later, or wen u tell me to, whichever comes first

TO my cousins tara, andrea,  emily, and grace I'm so glad we can hang out again, i missed you sooo much! lyl 224

and to the crew that shows up at my door announced or unannounced, i love you all....

if this is screwed up or confusing let me kno n ill fix it...let me kno if ur not in here


All of my friends...

Arent they wonderful, folks, lets give them a round of applause...*imaginary clapping in the background*


Tell me if ur not in here n I'll put u in!